October 27, 2014
I share this true but pathetic story to commiserate with other tortured souls who relentlessly endure and survive extreme humiliation. We’re a group of accident-prone fools who regularly trigger embarrassing situations that would permanently traumatize a normal person.
Author, syndicated blogger, featured humor speaker, publisher, and retreat organizer knows that laughter – with wine – is the best medicine.
I just read this on Facebook. It was so funny that I’m now following your blog. I’ve never followed a blog because I enjoyed the humor. Keep me laughing!
Thoroughly enjoyed reading your fart in the MRI article! As a medical imaging technologist I can tell you that was “stinking” hilarious! And shame on the tech with humor issues!
you are wonderful
I read this story myself and laughed very hard. My husband had had several MRI’s (I haven’t had the, ahem, pleasure) and has told me how much torture these things are. I decided to read your article to my husband after telling him he didn’t know what a bad time during an MRI was. He laughed so hard he had tears running down his face, and even had the involuntary laugh snort. It’s very hard to get my husband to really laugh, so thank you for sharing your awful experience with us, your public. Somehow it’s just so much more funny when we aren’t suppose to laugh.
A friend just posted your don’t fart in the MRI blog on FB. As I read it I couldn’t stop laughing, not that I’ve had the same experience, but growing up with three older brothers, I’m very versed to bodily functions and the silly sounds they make (I’ve even mastered some of my very own). Then I went back to the top to see who wrote the dang thing, and much to my surprise, it was of female nature, which made the whole thing all the more funnier. Thanks for the chuckle.
One of my friends shared your blog from the Huff Post on FB. I was in tears laughing! You’re my new favorite!