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If there’s ever a time you need a little distraction in your life, it’s during the divorce process. That’s why we launched our Divorce Care Package series. With each post, we’ll show you what things — books, movies, recipes — helped others relieve stress in the midst of divorce, in the hopes that a few of their picks will serve you well, too. Want to share what got you through your divorce? Email us at[email protected] or tweet @HuffPost Divorce
It was the simple things in life that reminded writer Elaine Ambrose she’d make it through the roughest days of her divorce: good, slightly indulgent food (hey, it’s not called comfort food for nothing); close friends and family firmly in her corner; and areally killer Tina Turner song.
Below, Ambrose, who blogs regularly for HuffPost, tells us more about the little things that helped her cope post-split.