Read the label on a tub of frozen whipped topping and you’ll discover that the sweet treat contains enough chemical ingredients to eventually explode your internal organs. Assorted labels that describe me include left-handed, menopausal, witty, and Presbyterian. Any one of my identities could offend someone, but I’m still less toxic than Cool Whip.
It’s important for food to be labeled because you should know if the product you are buying to feed your family contains Polysorbate 60 – a chemically-derived emulsifier in Cool Whip that is linked to organ toxicity, chronic diarrhea, and tumors in laboratory rats. This fluffy concoction that looks so appealing in a Jell-O parfait also has synthetic wax, hydrogenated oils, and high fructose corn syrup. Just eat poison instead.
Labeling people is another matter, unless you intend to eat them. (In that case, find another blog.) Consider all the common labels that are used to classify people: liberal, conservative, divorced, elderly, teenage, politician, priest, or policeman. Every title prompts an opinion. When we meet someone for the first time, we instinctively process a conclusion when we learn that the person is either a ballerina or a mechanic. It shouldn’t matter unless we need some work done on our car.
We are living in a hateful bullying era that assigns negative labels to people for political or personal gain: loser, retarded, idiot, racist. Want to stop a lively, intelligent debate? Call someone a racist when there is no proof. Want to prove you have no decency? Call a mentally challenged person retarded. There is not enough soap to wash out the filthy mouths and minds of those who hurl destructive labels just to be cruel or to appear tough.
So, here is today’s assignment. Write down as many positive labels are you can: winner, smart, grateful, spirited, strong, loyal, talented, friendly, helpful, charming, dedicated, and spiritual. Use these descriptions liberally when talking to and about people. You’ll discover that others want to hear what you have to say, and they appreciate your positive attitude. They also want to be your friend.
This blog was prompted by some nasty comments made this week on social media sites. Normally sane friends clamored on Facebook that all Republicans (or Democrats or left-handed Christians) are idiots and morons. But, these zealots don’t realize that their friends might have similar beliefs to what is being criticized. If you want to call me a moron, please be able to substantial your claim. Otherwise, be careful about what labels you assign to others in public rants, or you could languish alone eating from tubs of toxic Cool Whip.
By the way, real whipped cream has three real ingredients: fresh cream, a sprinkle of sugar and a splash of real vanilla. Authentically delicious.
Today’s blog was fueled by a 2005 Sawyer Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa Valley. This vibrant, complex, and exquisite estate wine was a gift from the awesome Gretchen Anderson. Good friends share good wine. I should invite her over for some peach pie with real whipped cream…