I loved Marlo Thomas in the 1960s TV show of That Girl. She appeared recently on the Today Show with a new edition of her bestselling 1972 children’s book titled Free to Be You and Me. I hardly recognized her. She’s 70 years old but her perfect face made her look like someone else. Only her deep voice gave her away. I’m all for physical improvements, but her book touts the theme of “accept how you look and who you are.” When I’m 70, my arms will be flapping in the breeze and my boobs will be dragging on the floor and the skin on my face will have enough spots to play dot-to-dot. But, I’ll be free to be me.
Midlife Cabernet: Redefining “Old Farts”
The good news: I lost a few pounds in a few hours. The bad news: a stranger inserted a camera at least a mile up my butt and then she charged me $1,500 for the privilege. The doctor said not to drink alcohol for 24 hours after the procedure, but I was swilling wine five minutes after I limped into the house, farting with every step.
Because I am over 50 years old and want to live long enough to irritate my great-grandchildren, I advocate regular exercise and preventive medicine. And for middle-aged women that includes having regular mammograms that smash your boobs between the jaws of death, pap smears from a cheerful young nurse who wants to chat while all you can see is her perky head, and now colonoscopies, a probing expedition in search of rear-end damage.
Here are the sobering facts: 1 in 19 people will be diagnosed with colon cancer in their life, and 1 in 45 will die from it. I have 626 friends on Facebook, so that means 13 will die from colon cancer. It’s curable if found early. Do I have your attention now?
The day before the procedure, you need to consume only clear liquids. Red wine is not included on this list. In the evening, swallow a gallon of thick liquid that tastes and looks like buffalo snot mixed with mouse droppings. Then you gather books, cell phone, and computer and retire to the bathroom where you’ll spend the night recreating the bathroom scene from the movie Dumb and Dumber.
This experience will test and/or strengthen your love life. Throughout the Evening of Gurgling Misery, Studley brought me popcycles and hid the wine openers. He offered amazing tidbits of information, such as did I know the average colon is between five and six feet long? Did I know the colon can store up to ten pounds of processed food per foot? After an hour of fascinating facts, I told him where to put his research.
On the Day of the Invasion, I needed a designated driver so Studley discreetly placed a waterproof pad in the passenger seat before he took me to the clinic. But we both knew I would jump out in the middle of congested traffic on State Street before I’d mess up his new pickup truck. And I promise to return the favor when it’s time for his procedure. Love works that way.
At the clinic, I was given a wonderful sedative and wheeled into “The Room.” I was joking with the doctor about getting a bull’s eye painted so it would be easier for her…and then suddenly I woke up in recovery. I was in a room full of cubicles with other post-op patients and everyone was passing gas. That’s because air is pumped inside the colon so the camera can be maneuvered on its incredible voyage of discovery and then the air needs to get back out. I couldn’t stop laughing at the Old Fart version of the campfire scene in Blazing Saddles.
Despite the inconvenience, I encourage all my friends over 50 to schedule colonoscopies. You won’t be photographed at your best angle, but I don’t want to stand up at your funeral and yell, “I told you so!” I need all the friends I can get, so please endure two days of humiliation in order to survive and grow old with me so we can shuffle together into the closest wine bar.
Today’s blog is fueled by a bottle of 2009 Carneros Estate Pinot Noir from the Mondavi Vineyards in Napa, California. I found it on a recent wine tasting tour and love the light and delicious taste. At $35 a bottle, it’s the perfect reward for enduring a colonoscopy.
Today’s Cabernet
Tonight’s blog was fueled by a delightful glass of 2005 Robert Karl Claret from Washington State. This lovely blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Malbec, and Petit Verdot was featured at a recent wine tasting at Seasons Wine Bar in Eagle. It was my serious duty to sample this wine several times to assure that is was as wonderful as I thought. Yup, it sure was. I brought a few bottles home to enjoy on special occasions – such as if I can go a week without a speeding ticket. The wine was $21.59 a bottle – and well worth the price.
Today’s Cabernet
Tonight’s blog was fueled by a glass of 2004 Kendall-Jackson Meritage. I usually love a meritage and this wine contains a blend of cabernet sauvigon, merlot, and cabernet franc. Also, Kendall-Jackson Cabernet is always good. However, this wine is bland and disappointing. I should have known that it was mediocre because it was on sale at Albertsons for $13. So, it’s raining outside, I’m sick of politics, my favorite cartoon strip ended today, and my wine is flat. I better go find some chocolate.
Goodnight Opus
Sunday always calls for jazz on satellite radio, a pot of hazelnut coffee, and the newspaper. I struggle through the headlines, wondering if the potpourri of pathos and pain is the true signal that the end of civilization is near, and then I escape to the comics for relief. Alas, one of my favorite strips ended today, but the delightful last scene exceeded expectation.The final panel of Opus appeared at humanesociety.org/opus. There was Opus, snuggled soundly in bed as the little old lady whispered “Hush.” Goodnight moon. Goodnight Opus.Now, if Doonesbury or Mallard Fillmore even hint of ending their strips, I’m canceling my newspaper subscription. Non Sequitur and Pickles just can’t balance the news. Word of the Day:Potpourri: ORIGIN early 17th cent. (denoting a stew made of different kinds of meat): from French, literally ‘rotten pot.’
Midlife Cabernet: So, Who Needs some Laughter and Libations?
When was the last time you laughed until you snorted and then lost body fluids? Do you want to get away from toxic, bitter people who are mad at the world and blame their wretched existence on everyone else? Are you ready to claw out of your mundane routine and revel in a delightful evening with a New York Times bestselling humor author, a nationally-known comedienne, and two local fun writers? You are in great luck!
Come to a comedy show titled “Life Sucks Laugh Hard” on Tuesday, June 18 at Beside Bardenay, 612 Grove Street in downtown Boise. The festivities begin at 7:00 pm and end around 10:00 pm. Tickets are $20, available at www.LifeSucksLaughHard.com. You also can buy tickets at the door. The program is sponsored by Mill Park Publishing of Eagle.
The titles of these authors’ books should give you a clue that this show is for ages 18 and above. That means no kids. Not even one.
Laurie Notaro is the New York Times bestselling author, and she has a new book titled The Potty Mouth at the Table. She was a keynote speaker last year at the Idaho Writers and Readers Rendezvous, and many who heard her still have sides that ache from all the laughter. She will read from her books and regale the audience with hilarious stories.
Stacy Dymalski is a standup comedienne, and she commands five-figure speaking fees. We’re only paying her with laughter and a two-figure honorarium so please come and reward her with loud clapping and foot stomping. She is the author of Confessions of a Band Geek Mom, and she will explain how life as a comic prepared her for motherhood.
AK Turner (our own Amanda Turner) is the author of This Little Piggy Went to the Liquor Store and her new book, Mommy Had a Little Flask. AK and I are the co-authors of two great literary works, Drinking with Dead Women Writers and Drinking with Dead Drunks. We really shared drinks with Jane Austen, the Bronte Sisters, Edgar Allan Poe, and Ernest Hemingway. Really. I’ll also read from my book, Menopause Sucks, and from my forthcoming book, Midlife Cabernet.
The four of us will tell stories, read from our books, sip enormous quantities of wine, and sign books for sale. You get to mingle with happy people, enjoy appetizers, and laugh yourself silly. There will be no-host bar with a wonderful array of adult beverages. Best of all, no crabby people are allowed! They can go wallow in a pathetic pity party while we giggle and grin. We win.
Men are more than welcome to attend our fun event. Alan Heathcock, the award-winning author of VOLT, will be the intrepid master of ceremonies. He would appreciate some guys there to join him in this energized evening of entertainment and readings from four funny ladies. We hope to see you there. Taxis will be available for hire to take you home.
Today’s blog is fueled by a bottle of 2009 Domaine Eden Cabernet Sauvignon. This California wine is a rich, velvety blend of Cabernet, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot, and Malbec. It won the taste test this week against a French Bordeaux at Crush Wine Bar in Eagle. The retail price is $53, but it’s $44 for members of the Wine Club.