Writing Workshop for Losers
(Who Can Become Winners)
Do you feel like a failure? You’re not alone. Hundreds of writers have received caustic rejection letters, nasty reviews, and public insults, and some of those came from their family members. However, many people overcome the disappointment to achieve recognition and gather rewards for their talents.
Losers who want to become winners are invited to attend a productive, empowering workshop on October 4-5, 2019, facilitated by bestselling author Elaine Ambrose in the Saloon near Spurwing in Meridian, Idaho. Through interactive sessions with professional survivors of rejection, participants will discover how to cope with failure and change negative energy into optimistic achievement The cost is only $125, and the agenda includes a Friday night informal reception with area writers, all Saturday sessions, all materials, lunch, snacks, and assignments. The address to the Saloon will be emailed after entrance fee is paid. This workshop is open to beginning and intermediate writers. Space is limited. No refunds after October 1.

Friday, October 4
An informal evening reception will include area writers and members of the Idaho Writers Guild.
Saturday, October 5 – Speakers and Workshop Facilitators
New York Times bestselling author, book packager of more than 50 titles, and literary talent Jennifer Basye Sander will describe how her failures led to magnificent success stories. As an acquisitions editor, Jennifer turned down the first book proposal for the Chicken Soup for the Soul books. Subsequently, the series sold more than 500 million books. Using creative exercises, Jennifer will lead participants through a cathartic bonfire to purge past failures and emerge energized for future accomplishments. Participants will perform a rejection ritual and toss their fears and rejections into the firepit while imagining the creation of a better, tastier chicken soup for their souls. Jennifer is a former editor for Random House and teaches at the UC Davis Creative Writing Program. She lives in Sacramento, California. View her author page here.
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I would love to sign up and come, but hopefully there be another one soon. I’ll be off to a Marching Band competition out of state.
Oh, this does sound like something I need! I will file it under ‘if only’ for now. Maybe next year . . . 🙂
If I lived close I would so attend this! Love the panel.
I would love to come! I have tentatively made plans to go to LA in October. If I do then I can’t come. If I don’t go, I’m coming! I’ll let you know asap!
Teresa, I would love for you to join us!
I’d love to come. It’s in Idaho? I need a little more info to see how I’d get there from Arkansas!!