- Publisher: Mill Park Publishing; First edition
- Editor: Tanya Eckart
- Available in: Paperback
- ISBN: 0972822518
- Published: February 1, 2010
Searching for your lost libido? Discover inspiration and motivation by reading just one delightful poem a day from this hot new book of passionate poems. Written by four women who met at a writer’s group in Eagle, Idaho, this sensual collaboration of poetry includes romantic images, saucy sentiments, humorous haikus, and soft erotica. The authors want readers to discover their wholesome and natural sexuality through poetry and to know that passion is ageless and lost libidos can be found and nurtured. Example: Comfortable in your arms, in your bed, in your life, I am home. All that I am, unafraid, unashamed, uninhibited, undressed, I am yours.