I’m standing in my office, clapping and cheering. What an exciting moment to hear that John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his vice presidential choice. The Democrats made a huge mistake by picking a male, Washington insider for their VP pick. I already have visions of a Palin-Clinton competition in eight years. Two women going for president.I may not agree with all of Governor Palin’s beliefs, but I don’t agree 100% with anyone. She will energize this election. I’ve experienced sexism in my personal and professional life, so this nomination brings me great joy. Go, Sarah!For more information on Sarah Palin, check out this blog: http://palinforvp.blogspot.com/
Today’s Cabernet
Tonight’s blog was fueled by a glass of 2005 Koenig Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon from the Bitner Vineyards of Snake River Valley in Idaho. This wine will age well but probably not in my cellar because nothings ages in there. Idaho is producing more wonderful wines, and it’s my duty to sample and test them. My work is never done.
Midlife Cabernet: My 50-Pound Speed Bump
Do you run out of the door while texting and juggling a loaded alligator bag the size of a real alligator? Do you leave on a relaxing vacation and take a laptop computer, an IPad, and a cell phone and all the necessary electronic chargers that are more important than a change of underwear? Are you so distracted that you haven’t noticed that it’s not July anymore?
Then you’ll understand why I finally decided to (temporarily) pull the multiple plugs on my electronic taskmasters. My first clue was when I realized the hairs on my chin were long enough to braid because I hadn’t found the time to pluck them.
I couldn’t go an hour without checking various email and social media sites, sometimes at stop lights. I desperately need some kind of therapy, and I found the perfect remedy. I unplugged with the help of a 50-pound, six-year-old speed bump: my darling granddaughter I’ll call Pumpkin.
Pumpkin was born in Hawaii and the native term for grandmother is Tutu, so that is what all my grandchildren call me. Pumpkin and I were dashing about on one of our play dates when she stopped short, put her hands on her hips, and loudly proclaimed: “Tutu. Slow down!”
And so I did.
I looked at this darling little wonder who all too soon would be off to explore the world and not have time for a disheveled grandmother. Then I turned off the cell phone and announced that we were off the clock. Suddenly, the pace was less frantic and my eye stopped twitching.
We were close to a craft store so decided to go inside and explore. Pumpkin wanted to create a flower arrangement for her mother, my daughter. I watched as she took thirty minutes to select the flowers, a purple vase, put back the flowers and select different flowers, choose just the right ribbon, return and pick her original selection of flowers and arrange them gently in the order of the colors in a rainbow. Finally, she was satisfied with her creation.
By then, I was about to suggest that we just get a generic gift card, but I noticed her happy expression as she clutched her creative mommy bouquet. This delightful speed bump caused me to slow down, and I’m grateful.
I survived many decades without a computer, cell phone, or Ipad. My new goal is to limit their use to a few hours in the morning, unless I’m writing. My 50-pound therapist taught me that it’s time to unplug and hug.
Today’s blog is fueled by a 2008 Pepper Bridge Cabernet Sauvignon from Walla Walla Valley. This bold wine costs more than a pair of shoes, so weigh your priorities and wait for a sale on shoes.
Kiss My Attitude
What’s more fun than a party of twenty fun-loving women? A party with autographed copies of Menopause Sucks and sassy appetizers, that’s what!The first annual “Kiss My Attitude” night at Seasons Bistro and Wine Bar was the hit of the Eagle Wine and Food Gala Auction last Friday night. After a rousing round of bids, our donation went for $1,700. (The governor’s donated cowboy hat went for $500!) Our donated party was so popular, we decided to donate it again. The second time, it went for almost $1,000. Proceeds from the auction benefit the International Special Olympics Winter Games that will be in Idaho next winter.At our donated party, the following menu will be served to the winning women:Whine and Cheese PlateCrabby Cakes with No-Sweat SauceWild Woman Won Tons with Sassy SaucePMS Pita with Hot Flash HumusI’ll read irreverent excerpts from the book and regale the audience with hot stories and humorous anecdotes about how to survive menopause without hurting someone. It promises to be a grand time.
Today’s Cabernet
Tonight’s blog was fueled by a glass of 2006 Fidelitas Red Wine from Columbia Valley. This wine is a delicious blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Malbec, and Petit Verdot. It’s only $18 a bottle, so buy a case and enjoy this for every day wine that’s bursting with flavors of dark chocolate, cassis, vanilla and spice. It pairs nicely with bruchetta and pasta with fresh Parmesan. Yes, I know that’s a lot of carbohydrates, but you can balance it with fresh veggies and some fruit for dessert. Cheers!
Food for Thought During Menopause
Wouldn’t it be great if you asked your doctor how to deal with menopausal symptoms and she told you to eat plenty of chocolate and blueberry scones, and then wash it all down with copious amounts of red wine? Unfortunately, we’ve all lived long enough to know that life doesn’t work out that way, and when it comes to combating the effects of menopause, you’ll be advised to eat a different kinds of foods, namely those that are healthy.Yes, menopause may bring a gaggle of gruesome maladies, including hot flashes, dull skin, memory loss, and flatulence, but chocolate, flakey baked good, and dry wine won’t do anything to ease the pain (at least in the long run). Fortunately, there are some foods that will: Increase your soy intake. Recent studies indicate that middle-aged women who consumed at least three soy products a day reported positive benefits for their hearts and bones. Soy protein also can improve skin, hair, and nails. Once considered a tasteless waste of chewing, today’s soy products include flavorful foods, such as soy cereal and roasted soy nuts. Soy products also can reduce hot flash frequency.Fish fat makes you fabulous. Studies show that middle-aged people who consumed omega-3 fats on a regular basis scored higher on memory tests. These fats can be found in flaxseed, salmon, sardines, tuna, and in fish oil supplements. Drink green tea. Rich in antioxidants, green tea is good for strong bones and a healthy heart. Studies show that several cups of green tea every day can decrease the risk of stroke by 69 percent. You’ll also get your exercise by running to the bathroom all day. Cool it on the hot sauce. If you live anywhere south of the North Pole, you’ll probably suffer from hot flashes and night sweats. To help alleviate the problem, eliminate spicy foods and caffeine from your diet. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruit, and don’t go to bed on a full stomach. Fight flatulence. Sudden and uncontrollable flatulence is another cruel trick from Middle-aged Mother Nature. To help control symptoms, reduce the consumption of gas-producing foods such as green vegetables and beans. Don’t gulp food because you swallow air and it has to get out somehow. Also, don’t drink too much soda because the carbonation will create little tubas that like to toot every time you bend over. Hydrate your health. Drink six to eight glasses of water every day to help keep your skin clear and supple. Water also can reduce problems associated with cramping and constipation. And, nobody wants to be remembered as the cramping, bloated, wrinkled old woman who didn’t drink enough water.If you are what you eat, then I’m a deep-fried Twinkie. But, in a defiant effort to live long enough to irritate my great-grandchildren, I’ve decided to improve my diet, increase my exercise, and make it through menopause without hurting someone. It’s a lofty goal.