Are you ready to explore and write about your journey? Cl.ick on this link for registration details:
Facilitated by bestselling author Elaine Ambrose, this workshop is designed for intermediate writers who want to expand their work in the areas of non-fiction, personal essay, and memoir. Using creative techniques, musical prompts, and targeted anecdotes, Ambrose will guide participants through a review of their own experiences to enhance their ability to “Write what you know.” The workshop includes the empowering experience of reading aloud to a group. Registration is limited to 20 people.
Saturday’s events will be in the Board Room at The Club at Spurwing in Meridian, Idaho.
The $150 fee covers Friday’s reception, Saturday’s workshops, all materials, refreshments, and lunch.

Elaine Ambrose is an award-winning, bestselling author of 10 books. Four of her recent books won six national writing awards, and her memoir Frozen Dinners ranked #23 out of 60,000 memoirs available on Amazon. Ambrose presents writing workshops at conferences across the country, including the prestigious Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop. Read about her books, blogs, and events at
Guest speaker AK Turner will present her fail-proof formula for how to establish a writing routine. She is the New York Times bestselling author of the Vagabonding with Kids series (Brown Books) as well as This Little Piggy Went to the Liquor Store, Mommy Had a Little Flask, and Hair of the Corn Dog (Fever Streak Press). Her works have received a starred review from Publishers Weekly, IPPY Awards in Humor and Travel, a Foreword Indies Award, an Independent Press Distinguished Favorite, and listing in BookLife’s Top 5 Indie Books of 2014.
Friday, April 5, 7:00 – 9:00 pm – Private reception at the home of Elaine Ambrose at Spurwing. Details provided upon paid registration.
Saturday, April 6, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
9:00 am – Board Room at Spurwing Country Club
Coffee, Tea, and Introductions
Writing Workshop: The Delicious Art of Word Stew
Writing Workshop: Your Journey is Your Story
Writing Workshop: Music as Muse
Writing Workshop: Fail-Proof Formula to Establish a Writing Routine – presented by AK Turner
Lunch – Meals will be ordered from the Spurwing Menu.
Workshop: Reading and Speaking
Participants Read Their Work
2:00 pm – Assignments and Adjourn
Participants can remain on site until 4:00 pm to write and socialize.
Bring samples of your writing, paper, pen, and/or computer for writing and reading assignments.
No refunds after April 1.