(Here’s my outline for “How to Write Humor.” I give this presentation for workshops andpresentations at various conferences.)
- Risk to Writing Humor
- What if they don’t laugh? What if they do?
- Do you laugh or cringe at your own sentence?
- Improve humor writing skills by reading, writing, and analyzing what makes you laugh.
- Elements of Humor – Choose a topic that combines at least two:
- Witty, clever, new twist
- Surprise, spontaneous, unexpected
- Bizarre, odd, absurd, not routine
- Ironic, shocking, mock frustration
- Naughty, obsessive, titillating
- Satirical, spoof, roast
- Self-depreciating, but don’t overdo it or audience will believe you’re a loser
- Writing Humor is Serious Work
- If you’re not funny, don’t write humor. Please.
- Don’t throw every gimmick and hope it works.
- Be original and creative. Find your niche.
- Edit, again and again. No one likes a long joke.
- Remember what makes you laugh as you write.
- Profanity is similar to hot spice: use it sparingly.
- Tie the end of the story or anecdote back to the beginning.
- Read your work out loud.
- Know your audience. Midlife humor won’t work for male teenage science students.
- Read other comedy writers: David Sedaris, Jill Conner Browne, George Carlin.
- Erma Bombeck – Still Funny, Twenty Years after Her Death
- I don’t ski because of all the ambulances.
- I would jog to hear heavy breathing again.
- He who laughs…lasts.
Examples of Humor in My Books
- Menopause Sucks – Quotes
- It’s a crying shame you could live to be 100 but only 20 of those years come with youthful vigor, shiny hair, smooth skin, multiple orgasms, and a flat stomach.
- Estrogen is the chemical commander-in-chief. Imagine a teeny tyrant running through your brain yelling, “Grow pubic hair now!” “Make that boob bigger.”
- After perimenopause – “Attention all sectors. Estrogen is leaving the body. Farewell party at noon in the pituitary gland.”
- Midlife Cabernet – Quotes
- I never intended to be divorced in my forties, but it happened. If love is blind, I need a white cane instead of a wedding dress.
- Unless your mother-in-law is a convicted felon or a pole dancer at the Kit Kat Klub, you should spend quality time with her.
- There are more than 250 million adults in the US, and each one started as a baby. They grew up and moved out, so there’s a high probability yours will, too.
- I used to feed my little ones with a spoon shaped like an airplane. Now they open their mouths every time they hear a plane.
- Establish Your Humor Identity
- Name, title, blog, logo, key audience
- Join and participate in online humor writing groups.
- Find speaking opportunities
- Exploit success – viral and award-winning blogs
- Be active on social media sites
- Create humorous memes to promote your brand
- Middle-aged women – my target audience – will appreciate this meme:
- Explore Opportunities to Expand Your Reach
- Collaborate with another author on a book.
- Apply to speak at conferences.
- Weekly test public reaction to your posts
- Keep Learning new Technologies
- Use various apps to copyright and date. Use Enlight app to distort photos.
- Know how to create and insert photos and videos.
- Save and recycle samples of your best writing.
- Keep a notebook for jokes, spontaneous ideas, people-watching, personal incidents, and funny quotes.
- Make Laugher, Make Money, and Make the World a Happier Place
- Sell on the popularity of your sparkling, creative wit.
- Give paid speeches and sell products at full retail after the speeches.
- Makes notes and evaluate after every presentation to improve experience
- Remember to keep laughing because the world needs humor.
- If all else fails, use a prop: Finger Puppets

Elaine Ambrose, Bestselling Author, Syndicated Blogger, Humorist
Website: [email protected], Email: [email protected]